Joan Laporta attends 50th anniversary of PB Plana de Vic

Joan Laporta attends 50th anniversary of PB Plana de Vic

President joined by director Josep Ignasi Macià and the vice-president of the Barça Players Group, Pere Valentí Mora

Sunday 19 November brought the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Penya Narcelonista Plana de Vic, attended by FC Barcelona president Joan Laporta, the director responsible for the Social Area Josep Ignasi Macià, and the vice-president of the Barça Players Group (Agrupació Barça Jugadors) Pere Valentí Mora.

The day began with a talk by journalist Ramon Besa at the Vic town hall. This was followed by the opening at the location of an exhibition detailing the history of the supporters club and then a lunch attended by some 300 guests at the Vila Masramon. This included a special tribute to the four presidents of the PB Plana de Vic, as well as the 28 members who have been part of the club since the start.

The president of the club, Miquel Alier, gave a speech, followed by Dionís Crusellas, the Advisory Council delegate for Osona y Ripollès, Pere Valentí Mora, and the Mayor of Vic, Albert Castell. The parliaments ended with words from Laporta himself, who had just arrived from watching the women's team win 5-0 against Real Madrid at the Estadi Lluís Companys.

Força Barça
Força Barça

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