Away tickets, for registered penya members only

Away tickets, for registered penya members only

From the 2023/2024 season, only properly identified members in the supporters club register can be allocated tickets for games played on the road

FC Barcelona is fully committed to guaranteeing security at away matches and combatting fraud, and so from the 2023/24 season it will be allocating tickets to supporters who are officially identified in the penya register.

So, once a penya has been confirmed an allocation of tickets for an away fixture, it may then only assign said tickets to officially recognised members of its association. The Penyas Department will be checking to make sure that this regulation is respected, and tickets will be withdrawn if they are not assigned to recognised penyistas.

This implies yet another benefit of becoming an officially registered penya member. Full information on identifying members can be found at the following link:


Força Barça
Força Barça

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