Tickets for Eintracht v FC Barcelona in the Europa League available for Penyes
Tickets for the game in Frankfurt selling at €28 and applications are open until March 25
Tickets & Museum
If you are an official penya, you can apply for tickets to support the team in Frankfurt. The away leg of the Europa League quarter final is on Thursday 7 April at Deutsche Bank Park.
Tickets for the game with Eintracht are on sale from €28 via the transactions section of the website. You can ask for as many tickets as you like but that does not mean you will automatically allocated them as it depends on the demand. You have until Friday 25 March at midnight CET to order your tickets. Note that these tickets will be personal and non-transferable and will carry the name and surname of the bearer, and their national ID number.
If there are more requests for tickets than the FC Barcelona allocation to penyes, the Penyes Department will assign a number to each application in order of request and will proceed with a draw.
The legal terms and conditions can be viewed at the following link: