Children at the Hospital Infantil de Vall d'Hebron received a very special visit on Wednesday, namely three players from the Barça men's and women's basketball teams. This social initiative by Fundación FC Barcelona forms part of their 'Navidad todo l'año' ("Christmas all year round") campaign, and younger and older children enjoy a happy and emotional moment, with some of them affected by serious diseases. Receiving support and encouragement from blaugrana sportspeople boosts emotional well-being through positive emotions, imagination and excitement.
The party from FC Barcelona were met by Dr Antonio Roman, care director for Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron, and Maria Ángeles Aceituno, nursing management assistant, who were presented with a jersey signed by the players. After a few words, the players Joel Parra, Oscar da Silva, Dame Sarr, Anna Cruz, Paula Ginzo and Jolene Anderson spent an hour and a half visiting the children's cancer ward and the Children's Transplant Unit, where they shared emotions, signed autographs, took selfies and gave out gifts, with smiles and excitement. Superb therapy for the children in these circumstances. Mood and a positive environment play a key role in the treatment's effectiveness and in improving the children's recovery process.
After visiting the wards, the players spent a while in the event hall with ten children from La Casa dels Xuclis, who are receiving cancer treatment. They had time to talk about effort and overcoming adversity, two values shared by both sportspeople and patients, and even explained plays and tricks to score a three-pointer.
The visit was part of the 'Navidad todo l'año' social initiative from the Fundación FC Barcelona Emotional Well-being programme. Aware that FC Barcelona and its sportspeople can provide positive emotions to children while they are in hospital, the Fundación organises regular visits to different children's hospitals in Barcelona. These are moments of great happiness and emotion, feelings that the players also share during the visit.