Elections at FC Barcelona Supporters Club Federations come to a close

Elections at FC Barcelona Supporters Club Federations come to a close

After the elections, the Federation of Anoia, Alt Penedès and Garraf will be chaired by Jaume Muria

The second elections for the board of the Federation of Supporters Clubs have drawn to a close. After the electoral period which started on 28 March, a single candidate was presented to the 29 Federations who managed to earn the necessary endorsements to be considered official candidates. In this case, it was not necessary to carry out the act of voting.

Elections at the Supporters Club Federation of Anoia, Alta Penedès and Garraf

Two candidates were presented at the Supporters Club Federations of Anoia, Alta Penedès and Garraf. FC Barcelona handed ballots of the candidates present in the area to the supporters clubsand the corresponding documentation in order to vote.

In this area, and after an exemplary day, the candidate headed by Jaume Muria was elected after the Extraordinary General Assembly took place, where voting was carried out in person during the day.

Official presidents of each federation

Zone 1: Barcelonès Est

President: Jordi Monturiol

Zone 2: Barcelonès Oest

President: Salvador Balsells

Zone 3: El Vallès

President: Antoni Guil

Zone 4: El Maresme

President: Manuel Flores

Zone 5: El Baix Llobregat

President: Vicenç Notari

Zone 6: L’Anoia, l’Alt Penedès i el Garraf

President: Jaume Muria

Zone 7: Bages, Berguedà i la Cerdanya

President: Ramon Burniol

Zone 8: Osona i Ripollès

President: Fc. Xavier Canudas

Zone 9: Empordà i Catalunya Nord

President: Lluís Grau

Zone 10: Gironès, La Selva, La Garrotxa i Pla de l'Estany

President: Joaquim Vall·llosera

Zone 11: Les Terres de l'Ebre

President: Ramon Fibla

Zone 12: Tarragona Nord

President: Josep Borrull

Zone 13: Ponent Nord

President: Pere Mentruit

Zone 14: Lleida Sud

President: Claudi Bosch

Zone 15: Comarques de Castelló

President: Joaquin Grifol

Zone 16: Comarques de València i Marina Alta

President: Salvador Torres

Zone 17: Comarques d'Alacant

President: Francisco Baile

Zone 18: Balears

President: Oscar Escoda

Zone 19: Andalusia, Ceuta i Melilla

President: Tomás Martínez

Zone 20: Múrcia

President: Juan Carrión

Zone 21: Castella-La Manxa

President: Daniel Peinado

Zone 22: Extremadura

President: Miguel Ángel Cruz

Zone 23: Madrid

President: Esteban García

Zone 24: Castella i Lleó

President: Nicolás A. Pérez

Zone 25: Galícia

President: Salvador Cerviño

Zone 26: Astúries i Cantàbria

President: Rufino J. Fernández

Zone 27: Euskadi / Euskal Herria

President: Gorka Muñoz

Zone 28: Aragó, La Rioja i Navarra

President: Miguel Iranzo

Zone 29: Canàries

President: José Yamal Hawach

Zone 30: El Món

President: Antonio Freire

Força Barça
Força Barça

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