
Update of census for elections to Federations

Penyes must update the data on their boards before March 6

For the upcoming elections to the Federations of FC Barcelona Penyes, all supporters clubs must check that the details of their boards are correct by visiting the penyes procedures website. This procedure is necessary in order for the members of boards to present a candidature, second or vote in the election period.

If any board details need to be updated, all modifications should be sent to the Penyes Department by email to penyes@fcbarcelona.cat before March 6.

Verification of changes to boards

We remind you that in order to accredit changes to boards, a copy should be attached of the minutes of the Penya assembly or a certificate approving the new board, signed by the incoming and outgoing presidents and incoming and outgoing secretaries. These must contain the full names of the people that are now members and the position they hold.

If you do not have minutes of the assembly, you may send the document from your town or city’s Register of Associations, stating the new positions and the updated details.

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