
François David

Olympique Lyonnais

Company / Club:

Olympique Lyonnais

Position inside the Company/Club:

Chief Information Officer

Speaker Biography:

After 5 years in services industry, François DAVID joined Olympique Lyonnais in 2008 as head of Development and Business Applications. Since 2014, he is the CIO of the club, preparing its installation in its new private stadium “Groupama Stadium”.  The OL IT Services design, build, and run operations of the IT Infrastructure and Information Systems both for the Stadium and the Club. The main goals are to align technology and software solutions to the business strategy, and the Stadium development.  

Presentation Title:

Transform a connected Stadium into a Smart Stadium

Presentation Synopsis:

Technology in stadiums is now a strategic and mandatory topic to address and is involved in every process for the organization of big events and running operations of the venue (Fan engagement, Security, Costs optimization, operational efficiency). During this presentation, we will see how the Olympique Lyonnais invest in technology and the infrastructure of its stadium to turn it into a real smart venue.



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