
Spotify Camp Nou work on schedule as third tier pillars start to take shape

Renovation of the new Stadium continues on schedule and ground level slabs for member and fan access soon to be put in place

The pillars for the Spotify Camp Nou third tier are starting to rise and take shape as the work progresses. The iconic 1957 façade remains at the heart of the renovation, but it will soon be surrounded by the structure for the new tier, which will leave a gap between current stand and the façade of the new Stadium, enabling the construction by architects, Francesc Mitjans, José Soteras and Lorenzo García Barbón to be viewed from the inside.

The work on the future Stadium remains on schedule and the slabs at ground level for members and fans to walk into the FC Barcelona temple will soon start to be put into place. At the same time, the repairs to the first and second tiers are progressing at a good pace, with over 70% of repairs on the current structure completed, and the inner partition walls already starting to be built.


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