
Recommendations for the trip to Riyadh for the Spanish Super Cup

Members and penyas travelling to Saudi Arabia for the Spanish Super Cup are advised to follow this advice provided by the authorities. These recommendations have been disseminated by the Spanish Embassy in Riyadh

On Thursday 11 January, FC Barcelona will begin their quest to retain the Spanish Super Cup when they face Osasuna in the capital of Saudi Arabia.

FC Barcelona and the Real Federación Espanñola de Futbol, under instruction of the Spanish Embassy in Riyadh, have prepared a series of safety recommendations for travelling supporters.

Recommendations for foreigners on Saudi Arabian soil:

  • Alcohol cannot be introduced to Saudi Arabia, and neither may it be sold, purchased or consumed anywhere in the country, and the penalties for infractors can be very severe. including long prison sentences.
  • There are also heavy sentences for anyone introducing, buying, selling or consuming pork or derived products in the country.
  • People are advised to be respectful and prudent when it comes to public demonstrations of affection. Indecent behaviour, including any action of a sexual nature, can lead to severe legal consequence for foreigners. Same-sex relations can also be subjected to severe penalties, as well as open displays of support for LGBTI causes, even on social media.

General safety recommendations

  • Be prudent and discrete, especially in public places.
  • Strictly respect the country's customs and ways.
  • Contact the authorities should you notice any suspicious behaviour.
  • Avoid large gatherings of people, especially public or religious gatherings.
  • Be especially cautious when travelling outside of major cities or off public highways.
  • Avoid political rallies, demonstrations or mass gatherings, which in Saudi Arabia are outlawed, as well as any activities that the government considers to be breaches of social peace and public order.
  • The following self-protective measures are also advised:
    1. Do not enter unfamiliar districts, especially at night.
    2. Lock vehicles doors, both when driving and when stationary
    3. Go to the nearest police station if you observe any suspicious movements
  • You are not advised to park vehicles in unguarded locations, and always inspect your vehicle before using it because it may have been tampered with. Avoid leaving any objects in view that suggest that the occupant is a westerner, or attach stickers or suchlike to the exterior revealing that you are a foreigner.
  • In the case of any incident involving the police, you must immediately inform your embassy by calling the emergency hotline.
  • Please be aware that in Saudi Arabia, all western citizens, including Spaniards, are potential targets of the terrorist groups operating in the country and in neighbouring countries, as well as terrorists operating individially at their own initiative.

Generally, the club advises fans to keep a constant eye on the media and social networks of the Spanish Emnbassy in Riyadh in case of any important developments.

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