
How to vote in the referendum on 19 December

All about the procedure for online voting and the personal details necessary to take part in the referendum on Espai Barça financing

To take part in the referendum on the financing of Espai Barça, members registered on the electoral census will have to go the Club's website (www.fcbarcelona.com) between 9am CET and 9pm CET where they will be able to access the online voting platform and where they will have to identify themselves with the following three details: 

o   Member key
o   Personal code (PIN)
o   Date of birth

Once identified, the member will receive an SMS on their mobile with unique six digit access code which will allow them to exercise their right to vote. 

They will have to introduce the six numbers and then a screen will appear with three voting options (YES, NO, BLANK) to the following question: 

  • "Do you ratify the decision of the Assembly of Delegate Members to authorise the Board of Directors to take the necessary steps to gain financing for the Espai Barça project for an amount not in excess of 1.5 billion euros?"

Once the vote has been cast, a confirmation slip can be downloaded or a check made to see if the vote has been counted correctly. 

Assisted method 

Those who are unfamiliar with the electronic voting system or do not have the device necessary can come to the Auditori 1899 where identification and assisted electronic voting points will be set up. 

· At the identification point, ID check is carried out with DNI and a code is given out. 

· Then, the member proceeds to the voting point where the code is requested  and that is when they can vote. 

The member will be able to confirm their vote on the following screen (YES, NO, BLANK)  and download a confirmation slip. 

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