
22,811 members request a postal vote with the application period now over

The number of requests reaches 20.7% of the total electoral register for the FC Barcelona presidential and Board of Directors elections on 7 March

A total of 22,811 members have requested a postal vote for the FC Barcelona Board of Directors and presidential elections which will take place on 7 March with the application period for this method of voting now over. 

The figure representing members who have requested postal voting equals 20.7% of the total electoral register which includes a total of 110,290 members. 

The 22,811 requests for postal votes show the excellent response to a measure that has been introduced for the very first time in Barça elections, a process that as well as increasing safety in times of pandemic, also allows a greater turnout amongst members by making it easier to vote for those who live at a distance from their polling station or who have difficulty in voting in person. 

The Post Office and paperwork

The National Post Office (Correus) and FC Barcelona have been working together for some time on the logistics involved in postal voting. With the application period now over the next step is to prepare for sending of the necessary documentation to those members who have made the request so that they can cast their vote between 15 February and 26 February. 

Post Office employees will deliver to the homes of all those who have chosen postal voting a voting envelope and the four ballot papers (one for each candidate and a blank paper). They will also receive a return envelope and a voting certificate. 

At the time of casting their vote, members will have to place their chosen ballot paper inside the voting envelope together with the postal vote certificate inside the return envelope which can then be deposited at the Post Office or the Post Office employee who has delivered the material to the member's should they have chosen the home vote option. 

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