
Inclusive day at FCBEscola Istanbul Beko

A group of young sportspeople with disabilities enjoyed a day of training at the FCBEscola in Istanbul

FCBEscola Istanbul Beko’s Maltepe centre has hosted an inclusive day for a group of young sportspeople with disabilities for the first time. The group trained at the Turkish FCBEscola. The Local Project Director, Marc Velasco, described it as: “an incredible, emotive and interesting day for all of us who took part. They got to enjoy themselves in the facilities and see how we work; and, we shared a special day with them and got to know them better.”

Velasco also said that this was the first of a whole series of social activities the Maltepe centre had planned. He went on to say that the idea is to keep organising events like these during the following season and to do so more often as it was a magnificent experience.

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