
Posters and crests before Barça v Betis

Sunday was a day of important activity involving supporters clubs The events closed a weekend in which the last plenary session of the Supporters Clubs Advisory Council was held

The last plenary session in history of the Supporters Clubs Advisory Council was held on Saturday, only to become the Supporters Clubs Council after the elections for territorial federations. Closing a historic weekend for the movment, three crest unveilings and four zone meeting presentations were held during the hours before the Barça – Betis.

This summer’s meetings, presented

Pau Vilanova, chief director of the Social Commission welcomed six penyes at the Club’s main offices. The first meeting to be presented was that of Lleida Sud, organized by the Penya Barcelonista La Societat, to be held on the 14th of July. Lluís Pérez, penya president and delegate of the Supporters Clubs Advisory Council lead the penya’s expedition.

Secondly, it was the turn of the Tarragona Nord meeting, which will take place on the 9th of June and organized by the Penya Barcelonista de Constantí. Pep Torrents, the penya president came along with a delegation of the federation of Tarragona Nord supporters clubs.

The Penya Barcelonista Benicarló, lead by its president Guillermo Giner presented the Montsià, Baix Ebre and Baix Maestrat Barça Supporters Clubs Meeting. The event is scheduled on the 16th of June, on the mark of the penya’s XXV Anniversary. Delegate of the Supporters Club Advisory Council Ramon Fibla was also attended the event.

The Penya Barcelonista de Betxí was the last one, presenting this time the Castelló Barça Supporters Clubs Meeting to be held on the 15th of June. Emilio Ballester, penya president and mayor Alfred Remolar lead the delegation, along with Tximo Grifol, delegate of the Supporters Clubs Advisory Council.

During the last two meetings, Pau Vilanova welcomed two international supporters clubs that travelled to the Stadium. The Penya Barcelonista de Ginebra, with its president Manuel Lao, was the first one. The events closed with the Fan Club Barça Polska, lead by vicepresident Bartosz Niewiadomski. Delegate of the zone world Antonio Freire was also present.

Three crests on lateral

The Stadium’s gate 76 also had intense penya activity. Two international penyes unveiled their crest, along with a supporters club from Huesca.

The first one to unveil its crest was the Peña Barcelonista de La Habana. Elvira Pou, director of the Penyes Commission and Pep Gaya, penya president, did the honours. The event was followed by the Peña Barcelonista Pomar de Cinca. Penya president Juan Carlos Mallada and Elvira Pou unveiled the penya logo.

The last one to see their crest staying at Camp Nou façade was Moroccan Gent Blaugrana d’Anfa, from Casablanca. Pau Vilanova and penya president Yousseff Bennani unveiled the crest.

It was a historic weekend for the penyes movement, with a conclusion got us a little bit closer to the League title.

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