
Census data uploaded

From now until the end of the month, data can be verified online

The period has ended for providing census details on all official FC Barcelona supporters clubs, and we can now report that we have proceeded with the upload of all of the data received. Supporters will be able to visit the OAP Online to view the lists. We remind you that to access the OAP Online you must go to the supporters clubs website or follow this link:

[[BOTOVERMELL::OAP On Line++::https://serveis.fcbarcelona.cat/registrounico/TramitesOnlinePenyas/faces/Entrada.jspx?_afrWindowMode=0&IDIOMA=ca&_afrLoop=2570650878957000&_adf.ctrl-state=vtxv0q1vr_4::HOR::NF::NO-TRACKING::::::]]

To enter, you simply need to provide your club’s code and PIN.

Once all the data has been uploaded, we shall proceed with the process for issuing supporters club membership cards, which shall be presented at the World Congress on August 1 and 2.

Adding and removing members from the census

All supporters clubs have a period in which they can finish detailing their club’s census. This period lasts from July 16 to 31 and can be used to add or remove members via OAP Online. Excel files will not be accepted to enter or modify any details.

We remind you must enter the board members on the penyista list so as to have their details and hence issuing their card.

Adding supporters club membership numbers

Once you have used the online tool to correct the details about your club, and during the same period, you can add membership numbers for all your members.

There are two ways of doing this:

1. Directly via OAP Online, by adding numbers to the records of each club member.

2. Or you can automatically download the full list of your members on OAP Online by means of a new function for downloading these lists in Excel format. Once downloaded, you can open/update the column used for this numbering system. You simply have to send the updated list by email to censpenyistes@fcbarcelona.cat. We will then directly add the new information to the database.

Please, if you use the latter of the two systems, bear in mind the following points:

- You cannot add extra information to the Excel sheet, or add or remove members. The upload system only considers the numbering system. Any changes to the rest of the file will invalidate the process and prevent the system from being able to number your membership cards when they are issued.

- The file should only be sent to the email specifically set up for this process (censpenyistes@fcbarcelona.cat). It is very important that you don’t send it to any other address, or it might not get to the right place on time.

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