
A day to decide the future of the supporters clubs

August 1 is the date of the Work Day at the World Supporters Clubs Congress

On Thursday August 1, the Palau de Congressos will be opening its doors for the XXXIVè World Congress of FC Barcelona Supporters Clubs. The first day is the Work Day, where various aspects of the Framework Presentation will be discussed.

Doors open at 9.00

At 9.00 am, the Palau de Congressos will be opening its doors for people to register for the event. The session commences at 10.00, with a welcome from vice president Jordi Cardoner i Casaus, followed by speeches from Pau Vilanova, the director in chief of the Social Commission, and Josep M. Barnils, director of the Social Commission and in charge of international supporters clubs.

Three important presentations

From 11.00, the guests will separate into three rooms to debate the core issues of the Framework Presentation. Regulations, events and activities, Marketing and Communication, and International Organisation are the subjects of each. They will be used to discuss the amendments that have been proposed within the stipulated timeframe, and whose inclusion, or not, in the definitive Framework Presentation is to be evaluated.

Approval of keynote address in the afternoon

Once the debates finish, those attendees who previously ordered can have lunch at the Palau de Congressos.  This will provide an opportunity for informal discussion of the points discussed in the morning session. At 15.30, the auditorium will be used to vote on the Framework Presentation in its entirety. This will be the final moment of a day that promises to be of major benefit in defining guidelines and monitoring the different projects involving the movement. There will also be a question and answer session.

Click here to download the agenda.

[[BOTOVERMELL::Agenda++Work Day::http://media2.fcbarcelona.com/media/asset_publics/resources/000/060/380/original/ORDRE_DEL_DIA_010812_ANG.v1374752006.pdf::HOR::NF::NO-TRACKING::::::]]

To download the Keynote Presentation, please click here.

[[BOTOVERMELL::Keynote Presentation++::http://media1.fcbarcelona.com/media/asset_publics/resources/000/058/076/original/311S_DE_PENYES_BARCELONISTES_2013_ANG.v1372665023.pdf::HOR::NF::NO-TRACKING::::::]]

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