
The week of the Plenary session

This Saturday the Consell de Penyes will meet in plenary session Thematic commissions’ proposals will be put to the vote

There will be some important decision making in the penyes movement this week. After an intense November which saw the four thematic commissions meeting to finalise their proposals, the Consell de Penyes will meet in plenary session – held every three months - next Saturday morning.

Meetings start on Friday

The four commissions will meet up on Friday to agree on the issues to be discussed, as well as choosing spokespersons and the procedure to be followed in the Consell.

Saturday’s meeting will aim to set out the actions to be taken in the movement and set objectives. The thirty penya zones will be represented and mid-term and long term projects will come out of the meeting.

Work will continue in January, when the commissions will continue to work for the good of the penyes. The movement will continue to move towards self- management and this year will be key in consolidating the project as a whole.

Christmas Dinner

As always, Saturday’s work will be rounded off with a traditional Christmas Dinner and the best wishes for 2014 – ambition to keep working and full success for the Barça teams.

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