
Jordi Cardoner presented the Nou Espai Barça for penyes from five areas of Catalonia

Friday’s was the first of three sessions

Following the start of the informative sessions with Club members this week, the Club began the explanatory process concerning the Nou Espai Barça with penyes this Friday.

FC Barcelona Vice President Jordi Cardoner i Casaus presented the project to be voted on on April 5, after an introduction by the director of the Social Commission Pau Vilanova.

250 people representing 120 penyes of Barcelonès Est, el Vallès, les Terres de l’Ebre, Tarragona Nord i Osona and Ripollès attended the meeting at the 1899 Auditorium.

Once the presentation was over, the former FC Barcelona Paco Clos put the point of view of the elite athlete, explaining that when he played at the Nou Camp, it was the best stadium in the world and that it should be once again.

All doubts clarified

After his initial presentation Sr Cardoner asked for questions, in line with the Board’s declared intent to collect as many points of view as possible and also ensure the information about the project reaches the maximum number of people possible.

Other zones to meet soon

The penyes of Baix Llobregat, Anoia, Alt Penedès i Garraf, Empordà i Catalunya Nord and Girona Sud will be invited to another presentation on Friday March 21, with the supporters clubs of Barcelonès Oest, Maresme, Bages, Berguedà i Cerdanya, Ponent Nord and Lleida Sud invited on 28 March.

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