
340 tickets for Bernabéu assigned

The draw for tickets to the game against Real Madrid at the Bernabeu later this month was held this morning with 340 assigned from the 3,798 applied for.

The  340 tickets available to Barça fans for the game against Real Madrid at the Bernabeu later this month were assigned this morning. A total of 1.634 ticket applications for 3.798 seats  were made.

The members who have been assigned a ticket as a result of this morning’s draw will be contacted today, Thursday, and tomorrow with information concerning collection and payment methods be contacted. All tickets must be collected in person by the member who has made the application. If this is not possible, another person may be authorised to collect up to a maximum of eight tickets once the name of this person and their DNI and the authorisation necessary have been provided to the Club

The Club has a total of 500 tickets for the game, priced at €60. As usual, 85% of these tickets will be made available to club members (340) and supporters clubs (85), with the rest (345) going to sponsors and institutional and sporting commitments made by the Club.

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