
Weekend Penya activities

There were plenty of Penya activities at the club this weekend

The FC Barcelona ground was buzzing with Penya activity at the weekend, with the presentation of a poster on Saturday and a training day on Sunday.

Thirty supporters clubs members arrived to present the poster for the XII Congrés de Penyes d’Andalusia, Ceuta i Melilla that’s being held on March 11 and 12 in Melilla. The Sala de Juntes was the venue for an event attended by director Pau Vilanova, the president de la Federació de Penyes Barcelonistes d’Andalusia, Ceuta i Melilla, Tomás Martínez and the president of the Peña Barcelonista de Melilla, Francisco Javier Martínez.

On Sunday a group of boys and girls from the Agrupació de Penyes were on the FCB premises to attend a training workshop offered by FC Barcelona as part of the Fem Valors Socials charity project.

The session was presented by director Pau Vilanova, former player Paco Clos, the director of the Social Commission Ferran Hernández, the coordinator of the Personalised Care Centre for Academy Players, Sergio Vallecillo and the tutor from FCB Escola, Guillem Castro.

Players from the Escola Futbol Prat Blaugrana and the Penya Blaugrana Sant Just were able to enjoy the event, which began with a theory session in the Auditori 1899 that was also aimed at parents. This was followed by physical activity on the fields next to the Miniestadi, where the parents were able to watch the final part of the activity.

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