
Supporters Clubs to celebrate St. George’s Day

The supporters clubs are arranging various festivities in various parts of the region to celebrate St. George’s Day

The supporters clubs have already begun preparing for one of the most special days of the year: la diada de Sant Jordi (St. George’s Day). The patron saint of Catalonia, and also that of England, Portugal and Greece, is inspiring supporters clubs around the region to host activities for the special day.

As on every 23 April, roses and books take centre stage and supporters club members around the world will take to the streets to enjoy World Book Day which is celebrated to commemorate William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Garcilaso de la Vega. 

Supporters clubs may wish to announce the activities they are planning for the day by sending information to info@booksandroses.cat to spread the word.

Booksandroses.cat is an initiative of the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia who aim to amplify one of the most emblematic traditions of Catalan culture to the rest of the world. The aim is to share the day so that all cultures can feel a part of the tradition.

#BooksandRoses social media campaign

Additionally, throughout the week, the supporters clubs can use the hashtag #BooksandRoses to share St George’s Day-related activities on social networks. Let’s make it an unforgettable day around the region!

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